Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mary Adams Update

We went to our neighborhood Halloween party on Sunday. It was so much fun to see all of the precious costumes! Doesn't Mary Adams look excited?? Here are some of the other babies there- they had a great time!

The Kings came in town this weekend to see Mary Adams. Here she is with her godfather, Matt. I think this is just before she spit up down his back.

Erin and Matt came over and brought Cotton (Ruby's sister). They had a ball playing and finally wore each other out.

Mary Adams snuggling with Erin.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

All Smiles

A big grin for dad!

Mary Adams loves her big sister. Ruby lies right here in front of MA's crib when she sleeps to "protect" her.

Here she is in her room all wrapped up after bathtime.

She loves her jungle bouncer that Aunt Lindsey gave her...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Will came over after work the other night to have dinner and play with his niece. Mary Adams loves Uncle Will (not as much as Ruby loves him though!).
Here's Mary Adams wearing her Ole Miss onesie when Lindsey was visiting. This was actually a few weekends ago when we played Vanderbilt. Charley was out of town so we got away with her wearing it. And what a great little cheerleader she was- we killed Vandy. Too bad it didn't work when she wore it last weekend against Alabama-ugh!

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Pictures!

Mary Adams has been very busy lately. She's had visitors (my mom, dad, and Lindsey came in town last weekend), been on lots of outings, and learned how to smile- on purpose! She's growing so much, too. At her month check up, she weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz. That's two pounds exactly she's gained since she was born- I can't believe it! Enjoy the pics- I'll update soon...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mary Adams at Home

This is one of my very favorite pictures of Mary Adams. She is very expressive with her hands and loves having them by her face!

Also, here she is wrapped up after her very first bath. She loves bathtime already.

Hospital Pics

Here are a few pics from the hospital- some of Mary Adams very first! It was a very long day and we were all exhausted but excited to have her here- finally... We were so lucky to have both Charley's parents and my parents there to greet their brand new granddaughter, too! She's the first grandbaby for both so it was very exciting.

The Kings

We welcomed Mary Adams to the world on September 4th at 1:18 pm! She arrived weighing 7 lbs 1 oz, measuring 20 3/4 inches. We are in LOVE with our sweet baby girl!!