Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tis the Season

Here's Mary Adams kicking around in her present outfit. How funny are all of the bows? What a good gift!!
Merry Christmas! Nothing like a visit to Santa to kick off the holiday season. Mary Adams loved sitting on Santa's lap even though she can't yet tell him what she wants!

Honey and Cap came to celebrate early with us since we will be in Princeton on Christmas this year. MA got lots of fun presents like a pink play laptop, fun books, and a glow worm like I had when I was little!

Mary Adams with Cap

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Three Months Old!

I don't think Mary Adams likes her winter weather wear. It's sorta reminiscent of Ralphie's little brother from Christmas Story!

This was taken on her three month birthday, December 4th. I can't believe how much she's grown already. My mom made this outfit for her!
Cheering for Carolina with her dad. She probably has four Carolina outfits to last her through basketball season!

Just looking around...

She already knows how to pat her head and rub her tummy- she's super advanced!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Here She Is!

Here are Mary Adams and Ruby watching the fan in our room.
I was singing in the shower and I got out to find her cracking up. Hmm, guess I'm not as good as I thought...
Found it!! Mary Adams has finally figured out that her thumb comes away from the rest of her fist.
Sucking her thumb again...
And again. Looks like we've got a thumb sucker on our hands (which may sound bad but hopefully it will save us trips to her crib to put back in her passy once it's fallen out!).
We spent Thanksgiving in Macon, MS at my family's farm. I don't have too many pictures but I thought this one was cute of Lindsey, Will and MA.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Here is Mary Adams all bundled up for our walk the other morning. She loves to look up at the trees and sky now so she hardly ever falls asleep on walks anymore!
We had dinner at Martin and Clay's the other night and Mary Adams got to play with Winnie's activity mat. She LOVED it!
Winnie loved trying to eat Mary Adams' hand! MA doesn't look too concerned- she's busy staring at herself in the mirror.
Mary Adams loves playing with her daddy when he gets home from work. I'm still not very good at catching smiles on camera but I promise she does smile!
Deep in thought... Charley says she gets that serious side from him.

Mary Adams went to her first birthday party on Saturday. We walked over to Davis' house for his 1st birthday. Here is his first taste of cake!
This is how Mary Adams spent most of the party...
Of course after I saw how much fun she had playing on Winnie's activity mat, I had to go get one. And she really does love it- it's so funny to watch her kick and talk to the light up star and mirror.
How many toys can a ten week old have? It's ridiculous! Do you think Ruby looks a little jealous??
Here is a short video of her playing. I promise that the panting you here in the background is Ruby, not me! Told you she was jealous...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Doctor Visit

I forgot to post pictures from Mary Adams' two month check up last week. She weighs 10 lbs 1 oz now and is 23 inches long! She also had to get several shots which was nearly unbearable to watch but she did fine. The doctor said she's doing great!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Road Trip!

We went to visit my grandmother in Huntsville last weekend. Mary Adams was so good in the car- she slept the whole way and loved playing with her Nana once we arrived. Here you see four generations of Adams women!
Mary Adams with her GREAT grandmother.

Mary Adams loves kicking around on her surfboard mat!

Tummy time! She loves looking at the little toys even though she still can't grab them quite yet.

Here she is just waking up with her lovey bunny. She also has two lamb and frog loveys that she cuddles with. So sweet!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Exhausted after a long Halloween!
Here she and Winnie are both mesmerized by the fan in the guest room as we tried to get them to sleep.

Just to show how tiny they are in the middle of the sofa! They look like little dolls...

We had a Halloween party and this is Mary Adam's friend, Winnie. They are about two weeks apart in age. Don't you love the deadpan stares?

The ballerina in her tutu my mom made her on Halloween in yet another costume she has!

Here are the babies in our playgroup the Friday before Halloween. Don't you love Mary Adam's face?? This is a picture of Princess Ruby dressed up before the Halloween party at doggie daycare. This was the best picture I could get- she didn't know what to think of the crown!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mary Adams Update

We went to our neighborhood Halloween party on Sunday. It was so much fun to see all of the precious costumes! Doesn't Mary Adams look excited?? Here are some of the other babies there- they had a great time!

The Kings came in town this weekend to see Mary Adams. Here she is with her godfather, Matt. I think this is just before she spit up down his back.

Erin and Matt came over and brought Cotton (Ruby's sister). They had a ball playing and finally wore each other out.

Mary Adams snuggling with Erin.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

All Smiles

A big grin for dad!

Mary Adams loves her big sister. Ruby lies right here in front of MA's crib when she sleeps to "protect" her.

Here she is in her room all wrapped up after bathtime.

She loves her jungle bouncer that Aunt Lindsey gave her...