Thursday, September 8, 2011

Time flies...

Okay, I realize it's been forever since I've updated the blog. A lot's been going on around here! Mary Adams and I have started back to school. She's in a young two class twice a week and I'm teaching Pre-K! So far, so good. Here is our big girl's breakfast before her first day. Posing with Daddy before school

I wish she was looking at the camera here. I think she looks like such a big girl holding her bag!

Finally, a smile for the camera!

Princess Belle wanting to dance with Dad in our "ballroom" (aka- dining room with still no furniture). Mary Adams' favorite activity is dancing like Belle under the chandelier in the empty room like the movie!

Birthday girl!! She came downstairs on her birthday morning and had a lot of fun presents waiting for her...

including a pink car!

Mickey sunglasses

Birthday dinner with Jackson and Winnie

Blowing out her candle

Last beach trip of the summer. This picture was taken on our afternoon picnic with Honey and Cap!

At home watering flowers with Daddy

I thought she would love the trolley we brought back for her from San Francisco but she definitely had more fun in my shoes...

The next several are of her eating. I don't know why I just love taking pictures of her chowing down!

Strawberries, Pinkberrry, Chocolate pudding, and her first corndog at an earlier beach trip in July!

Swimming with Cap

Sweeping the garage

Painting on the deck back in July
Fourth of July!

Talking to Baby James

Family pic

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It seems like all we do is play outside now! These pictures are from early May through most of June.

Telling the sheep a secret at the Botanical Gardens Playing the part of Peter Rabbit

Running through the tunnel

At home eating popsicles- one of her favorite things to do outside!

Dining al fresco

Ruby sporting her summer cut



Mary Adams has figured out how to sit in the water table. That's my girl.

MA loves frozen yogurt. Two spoons...



Dressing up like Daddy- those are Charley's shoes AND shirt.

This is how Mary Adams spends her time at the beach. She loves the sand but won't go near the water.

Swimming with Cap

Snack break

Enjoying her first corn dog at Harry T's

Monday, April 25, 2011


Well, a lot's been going on but I think we are finally getting back to normal! Here are pictures from March until Easter. Some of the pictures are blurry because I took them with my phone.

Mary Adams before school on St. Patrick's Day
After I picked her up from school we headed to Mississippi for the weekend. Here she is at Mimi's with Jim and Cindy and Taylor and J.

She loves smelling all the flowers!

She's learned how to twist apart cookies and lick out the icing.

One of our last afternoons to play at our old house

Playing princess in the tub

Playing in the pantry at Honey and Cap's house. My parents kept Mary Adams for a week so we could move then I went down for a few days to visit and pick her up.

At the playground

Eating frozen yogurt in Destin. Yes, she has two spoons...

Playing in Honey's yard

Playing with Dad at her new house!

Easter egg hunt at CCC- not sure what to think yet

Getting some help from Dad. She didn't like to dig through the pinestraw to find the eggs.

The Easter bunny came to visit!

Playing with her new toys after church

The only picture I could get with her bonnet on

Her first time to have M&Ms. She obviously loved them. Got chocolate all over her face and pretty lace collar!

Dying eggs after church

Waiting patiently for them to be done

Eating Easter dinner with Jackson

Hamming it up for the camera this morning!